Fluid Stone Studio in , Gwynedd

Fluid Stone Studio

Category : Home & Garden
Address : Bryn Derwen Workshop, Constitution Hill, Pant y Afon, Penmaenmawr

LL34 6AD
Telephone : 01492 623 662
Fax :
Website : www.fluidstonestudio.co.uk

fluid stone studio
IMAGEConcrete is not a sinmple building tool, nor is it a fashion trend to be gone with the wind at the drop of the next influence - concrete is an art form - plain and simple. At Fluid Stone Studio we believe in using concrete to it's full untapped potential. We create concrete to YOUR specifcations, which means you can have anything that you want. We also speiciise in inlaying things such as geodes, semi precious stones, crushed shells, broken glass, metal flecks - almost anything you can imagine.
Serving nationwide, the work of Fluid Stone Studio adorns some of the most prestigious establishments, and homes alike as we are the go-to company for designs.

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