Clarity IT Consultancy Ltd in Manchester, Manchester

Clarity IT Consultancy Ltd

Category : Education & Training
Address : One Central Park, Northampton Road
M40 5WW
Telephone : 0161 918 6727
Fax : 0161 918 6744
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Clarity provide training and IT consultancy focused on delivering bespoke and flexible learning experiences to
enhance your organisation.

We provide courses to meet the needs of our clients, delivered by experienced and dedicated trainers who are
highly qualified in the relevant subjects. Learning is achieved by an interactive mix of instructor led training and
online learning and assessment. The specialist methods of bespoke training and development give employees
the opportunity to succeed in their roles and gain qualifications to prove their competence.

Clarity provides a wide range of associated IT services and consultancy, such as database creation and web
design and development, to help organisations to maximise efficiency and analyse business systems and

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