Pass Plus Advanced Driving Tuition

Jul 20, 2011
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The Pass Plus Driving Scheme is ran in the United Kingdom to help reduce the amount of accidents and injuries that

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glan conwy school of motoring north wales

happen on the roads. The Pass Plus scheme is aimed towards recently passed drivers who are still new to the roads. The Pass Plus test is ran by certain driving schools and can only be taken after the initial driving test has been passed.

Pass Plus was introduced in 1995 to help fight against the rise of crashes involving drivers who had recently passed their test. The Pass Plus was designed by the Driving Standards Agency in the UK to features the most important things and road conditions that are not covered in normal driving lessons and the original test.

The Pass Plus scheme isn’t compulsory, however, many experience drivers and instructors would recommend it to be taken as it will boost the drivers confidence whilst out of the roads, increase their awareness even more than usual and it brings a great perk to driving. Cheaper car insurance!

The scheme consists of six different course modules. These different modules cover a certain aspect of driving that is normally not undertaken to a great degree on the normal driving test. These modules are; Town driving, All-weather driving, Driving out of town, Night driving, Driving on dual carriageways and Driving on motorways. Each module is treated individually and could potentially be covered using theory only, but this is only if there is a good enough reason not to finish the test practically.

There are two different levels in which you can pass the Pass Plus scheme, one is called “achieved” which is where the driver successfully reaches the standard required for each of the competencies, and there is another level called “exceeded” which is where they exceeded the required standard for each of the competencies. However, if the driver does only sit the theory side of each course module then they can only obtain the “Achieved” title.

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