Cigar Lighters
A lighter can be just as common a pocket item as a wallet, for many cigar smokers. Cheap, disposable lighters are made from plastic and contain flammable liquid with an ignition on top. These lighters are usually not the item of choice for cigar smokers, who usually prefer a specialist lighter, well designed for lighting up a cigar.
Many lighters are well sought after items and some can be quite valuable, proper cigar lighters are well constructed and last for years. Some brands, like Sarome, Prometheus and Colibri are windproof, and can have wide or jet flames – come with cigar cutters and can even have gas level indicators as well as many other accessories. These lighters are essential pieces of kit for many cigar lighters who bring them along to every event for years. Cigar lighters help distribute a good, even flame around the end of the cigar without burning the tobacco, potentially ruining the taste.
Some worth cigar lighters worth checking out include the Sarome SD6W03 Cigar Lighter, which has a wide flame and is flint operated, of solid brass construction and have an antique sliver engine turned finish (also supplied with a pouch and boxed), the Prometheus Ultimo X3 Cigar Lighter is a windproof electronic cigar lighter with cutter and a chrome finish. These types of lighters are well priced and last for years.