Purpose Built Quantum Transport Systems

Aug 15, 2017
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nanonis-quantum-transport-measurementThe Nanonis Tramea is very well known to be the pioneering product in the field of quantum transport, and has proved already to elevate Nanonis Quantum Transport Measurement Systems thanks to its very unique and custom take on problems associated with the process.


The Nanonis Tramea is winning over laboratories on a worldwide scale, and with the amount of improvements the Nanonis Quantum Transport Systems provide compared to other manufacturers offerings, it’s really not hard to see why.


It’s a very well covered fact that Nanonis Quantum Transport Systems have a host of features which can cut the time of quantum transport measurement, such as the usage of a dedicated CPU and also the complete omission of cumbersome and obsolete busses – a solution that makes Nanonis Quantum Transport Systems stand apart from the alternatives on the market.


Nanonis Quantum Transport Systems also have another asset to hand – the fact that of all of the Quantum Transport Solutions out there, Nanonis Tramea is the only system which is actually purpose built for the job at hand. Data storage and the display on the measurement PC are completely and absolutely independent from the actual measurement of the material.


This ensures that the PC which is being useds processing speed doesn’t influence your measurements at all.


Furthermore, the Nanonis Tramea is different from other solutions as it is the first piece of kit which has an integrated, all in one approach. Purely digital signal processing saves the user time via operations between signals being completed much faster, in a far more user friendly fashion and without the risk of sample damage which is associated with analog signal wiring, which is notoriously complex.


With dedicated state of the art hardware, as well as scalable architecture, the Nanonis Tramea Quantum Transport System is any laboratory’s purpose built method to ensure quality, speed, and reliability thanks to the fact that it is a dedicated solution.    

Posted by | Categories: Areas, Cheshire, Industrial, Manchester, North Wales |

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