Sustainability In Building Design

Aug 22, 2017
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Sustainable management covers a wide variety of site activities in construction North Wales, from sustainable materials, procurement, development and even management plans, as well as wide-reaching impact assessments and activities to ensure that BREEAM criteria is met and consistently achieved.


The shift toward sustainable design has not been an easy one, but it is safe to say that architects, civil engineers, construction companies and roofers North Wales are starting to make the shift to sustainable operations for a wide variety of reasons.


These reasons include the fact that sustainable operations are far more profitable than non-sustainable ones as they attract confidence from market buyers due to the fact that sustainable buildings are far cheaper to run than non-sustainable buildings of yesteryear. Combine profitability with the fact that it has also been proven that residential, commercial and even industrial sustainable buildings vastly reduce the impact of construction on the natural environment, as well as vastly improve human health.


In order for a building to be considered sustainable, it must meet certain criteria. Social responsibility must have been met, economic efficiency must also have been met, and environmental impact is also very important. Take Brenig Construction’s work on Rhyl High School within the seaside town of Rhyl, for instance.


Brenig Construction initially leveraged the usage of low-impact construction materials, which involved sourcing recycled materials, which minimised the ecological footprint of the build. Furthermore, Brenig Construction sourced local materials for this endeavour, utilising local suppliers to both meet social responsibility guidelines by investing funds into the area, as well as lowering the carbon footprint of the build with lower transportation times for the materials for the build.


The capitalisation of renewable energy sources was also very important. Brenig Construction used renewable energy for the build, by constructing the building in the manner of which design truly spoke out. The building is well-ventilated, makes the most of the natural light available thanks to sustainable design – essentially, this building will have far lower energy bills throughout its lifetime because of a focus on renewable energy.  Brenig Construction also reduced their waste disposal with the build for Rhyl High School by adapting a hands-on approach that absolutely minimised waste in the construction environment.  


For many construction companies, sustainable building has never been easier to achieve. Both small and large construction companies in North Wales and beyond are looking to sustainable building, and the act is widespread.

Posted by | Categories: Areas, Cheshire, Construction, Manchester, North Wales |

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