Sustainability In Construction
Sustainability is a term that describes the desire to try and carry about activities without depleting natural resources or having a harmful impact on the environment. Many companies and firms abide by yearly commitments to allow for sustainable operations. Being accountable for your actions affects all of us, companies most of all. Most civil engineering firms in North Wales have large commitments when it comes to keeping their actions sustainable, as they impact the environment profoundly as part of their work.
Sustainability was defined by the Brundtland Commission in 1987 as ‘meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’ Broader descriptions include social and economic welfare, though in building developments the term is much more vast and complex.
Choosing a civil engineering firm that has a very real commitment to sustainability shows what sort of firm you’re dealing with. A firm that shows an understanding of sustainability in its commitment to the environment around them indicates a civil engineering firm that is organized and is capable of proactivity, as sustainability in building developments must be considered from the very earliest stages of concept, as potential environmental impacts are very significant.
Sustainability affects the environment, but it also affects waste, and your budget.
The buildings environment accounts for 45% of total UK carbon emissions. (72% of domestic emissions arise from space heating and hot water.) 32% of landfill waste comes from the construction and demolition of buildings, and a staggering 13% of products delivered to construction sites are sent directly to landfill, without even being used.
Sustainability is extremely important, especially when it comes to figures being this high. When you’re looking for a civil engineering firm, look for ones with existing environmental policies that set out an overall sustainability vision, as well as detailed objectives and targets. Look for ISO 14000, BREEAM and other environmental accreditations which provide a framework for environmental management, as well as self-made standards.
Image Credit: Sam Churchill | CC BY 2.0